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Don’t Copy Your Copy

Is Your Content Ready For 2020?

Users crave details. Putting depth into your content is key. Is your site ready for readers? We have a special for businesses that need to round out your content.

Great design may pull your clients onto the page, but it’s the copy that keeps them there. It’s trite to say that content is king, but there’s more than a grain of truth to that saying. The only thing a visitor knows about your site is what’s on the page. That means your content not only has to educate them, but it also has to keep them there long enough to read it.

Why is Copywriting so Important?

Just because anyone who has graduated from high school should be able to string a sentence or two together doesn’t mean that you can do without a copywriter. Bad copy doesn’t just look unprofessional, it actively drives people away from your site. Let’s face it, one of the easiest ways to recognize junk email that makes it past your spam filter is because it’s so badly written

You take one look at it and immediately know it’s garbage.

That’s the last thing you want visitors to do when they land on your website. They can’t delete it like spam, but they can hit that little ‘x’ in the corner just as fast as you can hit “mark as spam.”

You don’t want your website to look like spam.

You want your website to draw people in and capture their attention. Sadly, many businesses don’t pay much attention to copywriting and would rather spend their money on:

Just because anyone who has graduated from high school should be able to string a sentence or two together doesn’t mean that you can do without a copywriter. Bad copy doesn’t just look unprofessional, it actively drives people away from your site. Let’s face it, one of the easiest ways to recognize junk email that makes it past your spam filter is because it’s so badly written

You take one look at it and immediately know it’s garbage.

That’s the last thing you want visitors to do when they land on your website. They can’t delete it like spam, but they can hit that little ‘x’ in the corner just as fast as you can hit “mark as spam.”

You don’t want your website to look like spam.

You want your website to draw people in and capture their attention. Sadly, many businesses don’t pay much attention to copywriting and would rather spend their money on:


Good design can help you, but bad copy will kill you. Design is like packaging, it draws people in but it can’t help you if unprofessional copy drives all your visitors away. That’s the problem with bad copy, it hurts you more than almost anything else you could have on your website.


Search Engine Optimization is great for attracting bots, but it won’t keep real people’s attention; it won’t do much for modern search engines either. You need something that won’t just attract people, but will also keep them on your page. Without good copy, your visitors are going to be one and done.

Social Media

Social media is fantastic for getting people to interact with your brand. What it can’t do is close the sale; for that they have to come to your site and interact there. Once again, if the site can’t hold their attention it doesn’t matter how good your social media is.

Make Your Words Work for You

That’s a lot of responsibility to throw on your copywriter; they have to make every word work for you. Good copy has to do more than just sit there on the page and hope someone bothers to read it. It has to capture people’s imaginations and pull them into your world.

We will give you copy that is:


You built your business on your unique selling point, so why fill your website with generic copy that could apply to any business? You need copy that shows every visitor what makes you special.


The fastest way to drive people away is to break their trust. If your visitors can’t trust what you say on your website, what can they trust? Your copy needs to be something they can count on.


Your copy needs to be more than a collection of facts; it needs a voice that draws people in so that they don’t just want to read your copy, they want to engage with your business.

You’ve Done Everything Else Right; Don’t Drop the Ball on Content

You only ever get one chance to make that first impression, and it’s hard to show anything off if it’s built on a poor foundation. Before you launch that new site, or relaunch that updated one, take the time to make sure it stands on solid ground. You made sure your design reflects your brand identity; make sure your copy does too. 

Ask us to put your site on a solid foundation.