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Connections Pro Modifications

Connections Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin. It allows a website to feature members and organizations in a community and share those lists with the website audience. You can use Connections to create a simple address book, maintain a staff or member directory and run a business directory or link directory.

Connections Business Directory was built bottom up to be as configurable as possible while providing the features you need. It comes with a number of optional plugins and extensions. If you need to go beyond what’s available for this plugin, we can help.

Here’s a short list of things we can do to give you a more powerful Connections plugin:

  • Searchable category select drop-down
  • Keyword search
  • Search for users in a radius of a given point
  • Pagination
  • Responsive theme friendly
  • Single click in admin updates
  • Customizable labels
  • Show organizations (regardless of their categorization)
  • Show individuals (regardless of their categorization)

We can also tie Connections Pro data to other elements of your WordPress install. If you have a question about how we make Connections Pro do more, let’s talk.