Any developer bent on performance improvements can carry out the usual optimizations. I can address image optimization. I can move Google Fonts onto our own server. I can even make selective pages static to deliver content faster than possible from a CMS. The biggest issue is the bad expiries on the Hubspot scripts.
Ways Hubspot could address this:
- Put far future expiries on some of all of the assets they include
- Push out these files via CDNs
- Combine JS files (HS is sending out 5 files that could be 3 or even two files)
- Interoperate with their clients: give them something like a plugin that outputs the HS files from the client server reducing DNS lookups and allows clients to self-manage their own expiry.
- Allow the HS script to not carry out render blocking and encourage developers to put HS relevant code into the footer of the pages.
- Remove the following redirect chain if possible: