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At the Wordcamp Victoria 2012, we’re going to help site-owners who run Drupal in Victoria BC if they want to change that. This training session will cover migrating from Drupal to WordPress. Something for all of those Drupal users who want to switch to WordPress, a CMS that is simple and ideal for many roles.
The talk details the key differences between Drupal and WordPress. It talks about the pros and cons of both platforms and what a conversion may bring about. This talk will discuss the process of doing the database conversion to move content into place. It will cover which plug-ins can substitute for Drupal modules. With the remainder of the time, I will tackle questions about the conversion process and play as many what-ifs as time and audience tolerance allows.

This talk will be held first at WordCamp Victoria – on January 14th, 2012

We have three attachments associated with the Drupal to WordPress how-to

Drupal -> WordPress The SQL Script – this is the script to execute to put the data from Drupal into WordPress. Make sure to check out the PDF or the Powerpoint presentation and the walkthrough for how to do the export and conversion process.

Drupal -> WordPress (Adobe PDF)

Other links to the export process: – breaks it down

Tom Markiewicz

Scott Anderson / Room 34

Mike Smullin

D’Arcy Norman

Created by Dave Dash

Pay someone to do this for you:

gConverter – for a fee, they will transfer data from one CMS to another

Drupal to WordPress – they also do this for a fee

Or, go the other way: convert from WordPress to Drupal:

WordPress Import


WordPress Publish (while we’re at it)

Note: Time has moved on. We have this reproduced over on our parent company website, Web321. We have done Drupal 7 conversions to WordPress. I still have to write up that walkthrough as it differs a fair deal from how to move Drupal 6 to WordPress. It involves the use of different techniques. It factors in what site owners need to see in a website migration from Drupal 7 to WordPress.

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